Testimonials For “No Worries”

Greg Gill, General Manager
Valleyview Co-op
Sales Revenue $90 Million+

“Roy’s enthusiastic presentation about alleviating depression and anxiety in the workplace was delivered from the heart with passion and real-world situations. Thank you, Roy, for sharing your personal experiences and showing us what we can do to avoid the simple pitfalls of anxiety and depression.
I would highly recommend Roy’s workshop to any organization who want to help their employees create awareness about mental health and recognize the everyday challenges of anxiety and depression as well as tactics to alleviate them”.

Bruce Thurston General Manager
Yorkton Co-op
Sales Revenue: $100 Million+
Employees: 160+
Managers: 30+

To whom it may concern,
On November 6th ,2018, we at Community Futures Sun Country engaged Roy Prevost to present his workshop “How to Create an Anxiety- Free Life”.
The event offered many tools and strategies on how to diminish anxiety in your life and offered a different way to think about our world
In fact, I personally have begun implementing strategies derived from this workshop.
I would highly recommend Roy’s workshop to any community who has encountered challenges from natural disasters or require a different perspective on how to view this unpredictable world

Deb Arnott
General Manager
CF Sun Country

“We recently had an amalgamation with a neighboring Co-op and we felt our collective team needed a better understanding on how to alleviate anxiety as we went through the process of this amalgamation.
We hired Roy to present his workshop “How to alleviate anxiety and depression in the workplace”.
It was a huge success and the feedback to the material was excellent!!
Our team members now have a roadmap of daily routines and rituals that will help them think differently about their lives as well as their workplace”
Great job Roy!

Shane Buss
General Manager
Evergreen Co-op
Sales Revenue: $100 Million+
Employees: 170+
Managers: 30+

As a Co-op, we recognized that anxiety and depression was an imminent possibility among our team, given the unpredictable world we live in as well as disruptive technologies and speed of change happening today.
The mental and emotional health of our team is of highest priority and we know that it also affects morale and productivity within our Co-op.
We engaged Roy Prevost to create a workshop that primarily deals with elevating awareness and being proactive about the possibility of anxiety and depression in their lives.
His workshop addressed the need to:
• Control your controllables
• Identify any negative triggers that create anxiety
• Be aware of the signs of mental challenges in their lives and the lives of their co-workers
• Diminish our addiction to 24/7 connectivity
• Acknowledge the importance of daily rituals and routines in our lives
His passion and enthusiasm was evident as he walked our managers and team members through a journey of discovery and his offer of down-to-earth solutions that created a sense of relief and optimism among our team
I would highly recommend Roy’s workshop to any business who wants to be proactive and offer solutions to help their team cope with an unpredictable and sometimes chaotic world.

Ken Bahuaud
General Manager
Southland Co-op
Sales Revenue $90 Million+
Employees: 170
Managers: 30+